24mm Dotted Thirds Workbook - Highlighted Line


• These dotted thirds workbooks are perfect for early primary school years.


• Controlling letter height is critical to writing development.


• The highlighted baseline makes it easier for children to identify the baseline. 


• Works perfect with our Click n Write Stencil Kits - Advanced.


If just like us, you were trying to work with dotted thirds, only to find it difficult to explain where the base line is and differentiate it from the rest.  Well we've found the solution for you!!!

They are must for anyone trying to get their writing mastered!

If you are looking for assistance with writing, have a look at our Click n Write handwriting stencils & also our set of pencils grips "grippies"

Bulk orders are welcome, please contact us for details.

  • 24mm Dotted Thirds
  • 96 pages
  • Perfect for our Advanced Stencil Kits
  • Highlighted Lines
  • Green Underline
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